The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS)

Vendor Name: Great South Texas Corporation Computer Solutions
Computer Solutions is a Woman Owned HUB
Computer Solutions is an Ordering fulfiller for the following TIPS contracts:
Security Systems Products and Services
Contract Number: 230202
Technology Solutions Products and Services
Contract Number: 230105
Computer Solutions is now an Awarded Vendor through The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS), a leading national purchasing cooperative that offers access to competitively procured purchase contracts through its membership to governmental agencies. As an Awarded Vendor, Computer Solutions offers TIPS Members the opportunity to purchase products at a discounted pricing without the delay and expense of going out to bid.
We work with state and local agencies and non-profit organizations including K-12 school districts, colleges and universities as well as emergency services districts and city and county entities to offer premier technology solutions and products that are compliant with your organization.
How to order
Please request a TIPS quote from Computer Solutions with our TIPS Contract Number. You can also request a quote through the TIPS Member Portal.
Submit the TIPS quote and PO with the TIPS contract number to
Please note that all vendor instructions must be included on the PO because vendor instructions detailed in the body of emails to are not seen by the Vendor.
Vendor contact information
Tony Coleman