Time is Money
One of the most common and true sayings in the business world. Companies can lose thousands of dollars in just one hour. Year after year, companies experience unexpected outages due to user error or natural disasters. There is no real way to predict when these unfortunate events will occur, but you can plan for what happens after.
On June 23rd, 2017, Datto delivered Computer Solutions and their guests a powerful demonstration of their Business Continuity solution. Beginning with a delicious lunch from local favorite Cheesy Jane’s, Ryan Denning followed up with a detailed presentation of Computer Solutions’ Netwatch Managed Services.
Netwatch IT
Computer Solutions’ Netwatch Managed Services is a team of highly trained professionals dedicated to providing cost-efficient IT services. Netwatch is tailored to fit customer needs, and is capable of providing Gap fill, Co-Managed IT, or Managed Services. Our team can supplement your existing team at a fraction of the cost of hiring a new member. Through Co-Managed IT, Netwatch allows you to utilize our engineers for procedural tasks such as troubleshooting and software updates, allowing your staff to focus on more intensive issues. If you don’t have an IT department, Netwatch can serve as your IT and maintain the spectrum of IT areas.
Datto SIRIS 3
Next, Michael DePalma introduced the history of Datto and how their solutions have protected customers from coast to coast. Datto has a proven record of maintaining customer data when faced with disaster and to demonstrate their capabilities, we took down a live server.
Donning safety glasses and a 20lb sledgehammer, a volunteer slammed into the server, bringing the system and Michael’s presentation to a halt. This is where Datto SIRIS 3 came into action. The SIRIS 3 solution created copy on write snapshots of the server’s data. These snapshots were stored in the local SIRIS 3 device as well as the Datto Cloud. After about three minutes, our Netwatch engineer restored the data in its previous condition, enabling Michael to continue his presentation from the exact location where he left off.
The presentation made it very clear just how reliable and effective the Datto SIRIS 3 really is. It was impressive witnessing a full restore in just three minutes after utter destruction of a physical server.
Speak With Us
We may not be able to stop a flood, but you can cushion the blow and save your company from losses. Computer Solutions is well educated in security and Datto SIRIS 3. If you think a Datto SIRIS 3 solution is a good fit for your company, contact your sales executive for more information. We are here for you.